Starter accompagna le imprese e gli enti a finalizzare i loro piani industriali e di sviluppo rispetto alle priorità strategiche degli investimenti pubblici, da quelli comunitari a quelli regionali. Questo percorso li rende conformi al quadro programmatico delle politiche pubbliche e consente di elaborare veri e propri dossier di candidatura su progetti specifici. L’assistenza di Starter può riguardare sia aspetti ci carattere tecnico, che elementi di tipo gestionale e organizzativo. Grazie alla sua estesa rete di rapporti internazionali, Starter è in grado di potenziare il posizionamento dei propri clienti, e di inserirli nelle reti rilevanti e utili sul panorama europeo ed internazionale.

Strategic consultancy to organizations and private sector


Starter is an adjunct to companies and organizations in finalizing their industrial and development plans in accordance to the strategic priorities of public investments, ranging from EU to regional ones. This activity makes them compliant with the programmatic framework of public policies and allows the production of application dossiers on specific projects. The assistance of Starter covers both technical aspects and management. Thanks to its extensive network of international relationships, Starter enhances the positioning of its business partners, and inserts them in relevant and useful networks on the European and international scene.

Preparation of studies and researches and participatory processes


Starter carries out studies, analyses and researches, with its own staff and in collaboration with national and international centres of excellence. Starter carries out territorial animation activities and participatory processes functional to the development of territorial studies and analyses.

Elaborazione di studi e ricerche e processi partecipati | Starterweb
Assistenza Tecnica e gestionale a progetti complessi | Starterweb

Technical and management assistance to complex projects


Starter provides assistance to institutions and private companies to facilitate both the technical, administrative and financial management of projects financed by public funds, and facilitates the coordination of complex projects. Both partners and project leaders benefit from this activity, which is functional to the project implementation, to the production of the planned deliverables, to securing the outcomes and to the reporting. Starter offers its services according to the specific needs of its customers, building detailed management systems and tools, according to the internal structures of its customers, both public and private.



Starter designs and implements communication activities and products, including digital and on web platforms, for example to illustrate the results of projects and facilitate their use.

Elaborazione di studi e ricerche e processi partecipati | Starterweb