On January 30 an open meeting will take place in Vallevecchia as part of the activities planned in WSTORE2 (, a project financed by the European Commission under the Life+ Programme. The project aims at demonstrating the effectiveness of innovative methods of fresh water management in marine coastal areas. This project concerns the farming sector directly, because it tackles some issues related to the optimal use of water in the perspective of the effects produced by climate change.
The meeting is organised by Starter and GAL Venezia Orientale from Portogruaro, which is one of WSTORE2 partners. The purpose of the meeting is to involve in the project topics some representatives of the trade associations of the primary sector, as well as the main cooperatives working in Eastern Venice, to stimulate discussion on climate change, a topic which will be more and more relevant in the next future.
During the meeting, the objectives and contents of the WSTORE2 project will be illustrated, which among other activities, will test innovative solutions for the management of irrigating water, as well as will adjust optimal agronomic models in response to a foreseen decrease in quality and quantity of fresh water available for cultivations. Subsequently, the meeting will feature a round table with the aim of collecting opinions and suggestions from the participants on how this area should face with the impact of climate change in the future.
This is one of the planned meetings that will take place every second month until project end (planned in October 2015), which will also consider topics, such as the preservation of areas with high naturalistic value, the sustainable use of the territory for tourism and leisure, the role of public administrations in territorial planning both at local and other levels.
The meetings are open to local citizens and to all individuals interested in the topics discussed. To be updated on next events, you can visit the website or call the secretariat of Starter (contact person: Mr Giulio Volpi).
