On 12 December, the first call for proposals of the Erasmus+ Programme was published. The call includes all deadlines for all Programme Key Actions in the year 2014. The text of the call and the Programme Guide are available here. ...

We inform that next 24 December, 2 and 3 January the office will be closed in the afternoon. The personnel will be fully operative from 7 January. Best wishes for happy holidays and a wonderful 2014 from the staff of Starter....

The planning process within the European Territorial Cooperation 2014-2020 is running on. The 9th of December Central Europe Programme published the draft of new Operative Programme together with the launch of the Strategic Environmental Assessment consultation that will close next 19th January 2014. The OP...

The publication of the first calls of the Horizon 2020 programme opens today the gateway to the European Union funds for the next seven years. H2020 has a budget of nearly € 80 billion and the aim of bringing Europe toward a smart, sustainable and inclusive...