On January 30 an open meeting will take place in Vallevecchia as part of the activities planned in WSTORE2 (www.wstore2.eu), a project financed by the European Commission under the Life+ Programme. The project aims at demonstrating the effectiveness of innovative methods of fresh water management...

1.8 billion Euro are available for the first call for proposals of the Erasmus+ Programme, to finance all Programme Actions, including: Mobility for adult education staff - deadline 17 March 2014 Strategic Partnerships - deadline 30 April 2014 Knowledge Alliances - deadline 3 April 2014 Explanatory sheets...

The new interregional cooperation programme 2014-2020 - Interreg Europe - is actually being shaped and will take the place of the actual Interreg IVc programme operative in the period 2007-2013. The objective of the new programme is to support European regions in design and implement more...

The project BIOCHAR PLUS – Energy, health, agricultural and environmental benefits from biochar use: building capacities in ACP Countries is going to start. The inception meeting will be held in Udine on February 24th to 26th . The initiative is supported by the 10th European...

The activities for the establishment of the new Adriatic-Ionian Region (EUSAIR) go on as planned. The Region conserns 8 countries (Croatia, Greece, Italy, Slovenia, Albania, Bosnia e Erzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia) and is aimed to areas of regional mutual interest structured around four pillars: Driving innovative...

Call for proposals for NGOs In the Italian Official Journal - General series - no. 4 of 7th January 2014 has been published a call for NGOs already appointed by the Ministry for foreign affaires. NGOs can apply for funding projects for information and education to...

During next period 2014-2020 the Life Programme won't be managed anymore directly (in-house) by the Commission but through the new "Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" (EASME) established by a Commission decision (2013/771/UE) last 17th December. Formally EASME is already operative since 1st January 2014 and...

On 20 December has been published in the Official Journal of European Union series L 347 a list of regulations constituting the start up of the new programme period 2014-2020. Hereinafter the list of the programmes: Fiscalis 2020 (Reg. 1286/2013) COSME 2014-2020 (Reg. 1287/2013) Erasmus+...